Student with Hobbies
B.S. Computer Science and Systems 2021
University of Washington - Tacoma
I am an officer for the Huscii Coding Club and a CSS mentor for the School of Engineering and Technology at my university. My main hobbies revolve around competitive programming, listening to music, and gaming.
Javascript, HTML, CSS, Postgres, Heroku, Node JS, Express JS
My first forray into a full stack project. Welcome to Za's Pizzaria, a "fake" restaurant chain's website, complete with ordering functionality stored in a Database using postgres!
Javascript, HTML, CSS
Implemented Bullet Patterns, Collisions Handling, Powerups, and Level Looping for a Shoot-em up game. This is a group project for my Computational Worlds Class.
Javascript, Discord JS, Node JS, Heroku
Developed a Discord Bot to help manage the Huscii Coding Club discord server. Features auto role assign, polling, rolling, events, and more to come!
Javascript, HTML, CSS
With the help of Nasa data, I was able to help my team scrub data and display the emissions as a graphical representation for the NASA Space Apps Hackathon 2020
My first forray into web scraping. In this side project, my goal was to take the top 1000 movies on imdb and write these results to a csv.
A programming challenge I gave myself an hour to complete, with an AI to play against using my best attempt at implementing Alpha-Beta Pruning.
Java, Java Swing
A TCSS-360 class group project. Implemented searching and displaying of items for an application that keeps track of user manuals, warranties, and notes.